ESG by the numbers

At California Resources Corporation (CRC), we believe transparent reporting of our environmental, social and governance (ESG) data enhances our stakeholder engagement, strengthens our performance, and further supports our role as a dependable and dedicated energy producer. Accordingly, we have continued to expand our sustainability disclosures, and are providing the tables below to summarize a subset of our publicly reported ESG performance data. Our Annual Report and Proxy Statements provide additional details on our financial and governance information. CRC’s ESG goals and our ongoing sustainability strategy align with California’s climate goals under the Paris Climate Accord and its sustainable development by providing safe, affordable and reliable energy sources necessary to help ensure human welfare and a more inclusive and equitable economy and society in the context of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. Operated upstream direct emissions include Scope 1 GHG emissions from oil and gas drilling and production at fields operated by CRC and exclude those from the midstream operations of the Elk Hills gas and power plants and Long Beach power plant. For 2021, emissions are excluded for the Ventura Basin assets that were sold in 2021. Emissions are calculated, reported and verified in accordance with California regulations and emissions estimation protocols.
  2. Scope 3 includes Category 1, 7, 10-11 for 2020 and Category 1-15 for 2021 – 2023.
  3. Total GHG emissions from upstream and midstream operations include operated upstream direct emissions (see footnote a for exclusions) plus Scope 1 GHG emissions from the midstream operations of the Elk Hills and Long Beach power plants, as well as gas processing at Elk Hills and the Santa Clara Valley Gas Plants in the Ventura Basin subject to the exclusion in footnote (a) for 2021. Emissions are calculated, reported and verified in accordance with California regulations and emissions estimation protocols.
  4. Reportable release definitions vary by location. Any volume of oil released into state waters must be reported in California. Net oil released means the volume of oil and condensate spilled in reportable releases outside of containment and not recovered in liquid form.
  5. See page 83 of CRC’s 2023 Sustainability Report for water definitions applied by CRC.
  6. Energy use and intensity exclude energy used by the midstream operations of the Elk Hills and Long Beach power plants, as well as gas processing at Elk Hills.
  7. Board of Directors metrics per CRC’s Proxy Statement filed in March 2024, and does not reflect subsequent changes to the Board.

2023 CARB MRR Verification Statement Forms: