Interest Owners

California Resources Corporation (CRC) supports more than 22,000 owners located across the world, all with a common interest in California properties. CRC’s relationship with all of our interest owners is an essential part of our business. CRC’s success in the development of California’s natural resources begins with our communication with our owners. CRC appreciates the participation of our stakeholders in all of our exciting new projects and ventures and we hope to continue our collaborations for years to come.

At CRC, we believe in the value of maintaining open lines of communication with all of our interest owners. It is our highest priority to deliver quality and professional customer service and protect owner information by upholding high ethical standards of data security. Our knowledgeable team and experienced leaders are committed to continue building outstanding relationships with our owners and are dedicated to providing excellent service each and every day.

Outline of an oil rig

Royalty Owners

You would be considered a Royalty Owner if your lease is currently producing and you are receiving monthly revenue payments. Including Tidelands and Long Beach Unit owners.

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Lease & Surface Owners

You would be considered a Lease or Surface Owner if your lease is not currently producing, but you are receiving delay rental payments or surface payments.

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Joint Interest Owners

You would be considered a Joint Interest Owner if you own a working interest and share in paying a portion of capital and operational expenses in return for a share of the revenue earned.

General FAQ

You may elect for your payments to be directly deposited into your bank account via our electronic fund transfer (EFT) option. Selecting EFT will prevent lost, stolen or mail delayed checks and is safe and secure. To submit a request for EFT, please refer to the Direct Deposit Request form located in the Forms & Documents section of this website. Please send your signed written notice in an email to, via fax at 866-802-0704, or via mail to:

California Resources Corporation Attn: Land Administration
9600 Ming Avenue
Bakerseld, CA 93311

If you are unsure if your account is already setup to be directly deposited, please contact the CRC hotline at 1-855-272- 5519.

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Please refer to the Change of Address form located in the Forms & Documents section of this website. CRC will only accept written notice of an address change. Said written notice must be submitted by the interest owner or his/her authorized agent. If the written notice is sent by someone other than the interest owner, please enclose a copy of the document granting authority to act on behalf of said interest owner, such as a Power of Attorney. Please send your signed written notice in an email to, via fax at 866-802-0704, or via mail to:

California Resources Corporation
Attn: Land Administration
9600 Ming Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93311

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Please refer to the Transfer Instructions and Requirements document located in the Forms & Documents section of this website. This document provides the CRC requirements for several different transfer scenarios, (ex: sold property or deceased individual), but please keep in mind that you may be required to provide additional documentation, depending on your specific circumstances. Please send copies of all pertinent documents in an email to, via fax at 866-802-0704, or by mail to:

California Resources Corporation
Attn: Land Administration
9600 Ming Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93311

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The property description can be found either on the first page or the Exhibit of your lease.

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Please allow 10 business days for your check to reach you before reporting a lost check. Please contact the CRC hotline, 1-855-272-5519 and if your check has not cleared our bank, we will attempt to reissue your payment.

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Deposit your check promptly upon receipt to avoid stale dating. After 90 days from the date of the check, please return the check to CRC and we will void it and reissue a new check to you. You can also contact the CRC hotline, 1-855-272-5519.

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If you receive a suspicious email that appears to come from California Resources Corporation, or CRC, please notify us immediately by forwarding the email to Do not open any attachments or click any links found in the suspicious email. If you believe you have provided personal or account information in response to a fraudulent email or web site, please contact CRC at 1-855-272-5519 and contact other financial institutions with which you have accounts.

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CRC recently partnered with EnergyLink to host check detail statements and 1099 tax forms. With the new upgrade, we have decided to phase out access to to allow for a better user experience on a more efficient and secure platform.

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Your CRC Call Center

Our direct line will get you on your way to the assistance you need.
