The Elk Hills Field is California Resources Corporation’s (CRC) onshore asset located 20 miles west of Bakersfield in Kern County. The field, covering nearly 75 square miles, was discovered in 1911 and has produced over
2 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BOE), making it one of the most productive fields in the United States. During 2023, we produced 35,000 BOE per day (41 percent of CRC’s total production) on average from our wells at
Elk Hills.
The operations at Elk Hills include a state-of-the-art consolidated control facility, remote automation control on over 95 percent of wells, and integrated production facilities for economies of scale, all of which
result in high operational efficiencies.
CRC operates Elk Hills Power Plant, a 550-megawatt (MW) natural gas, combined-cycle power plant that supplies electricity to the Elk Hills Field. We sell remaining electrical output to the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) wholesale power market. We sell capacity in excess of our site needs into the CAISO Resource Adequacy (RA) marketplace; energy designated by the State to be bid into the market for the reliable operation of the power grid.
CRC also operates efficient natural gas processing facilities including a cryogenic gas plant in California, with a combined gas processing capacity of over 330 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d), and a
45-MW cogeneration plant to provide steam and electricity to the field as needed.
Elk Hills Field is also home to some of CRC’s proposed Carbon TerraVault projects, CalCapture and the California DAC Hub.
Beyond CRC’s essential role in supplying Californians with low carbon intensity oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs), and electricity, federal and state resource agencies have recognized CRC for our commitment
to environmental stewardship at Elk Hills. CRC established an 8,000-acre habitat conservation area and received a 50-year state permit in 2016 that will preserve at full field development an additional 17,500 acres in
perpetuity, for a total conservation area equivalent to over half the surface area of the Elk Hills field and over 25 percent of CRC’s total surface acreage. CRC’s habitat conservation program, which is certified by the
Wildlife Habitat Council, also includes operating practices to protect unique plant and animal species and cultural resources at Elk Hills and western Kern County.