Approximately 73 percent of CRC’s estimated proved reserves as of year-end 2023 are located in the San Joaquin Basin. CRC actively operates and develops 42 fields in this basin consisting of conventional primary, improved oil recovery, enhanced oil recovery and unconventional project types. As of year-end 2023, CRC held approximately 1.1 million net mineral acres in the San Joaquin Basin, approximately 89 percent of which CRC holds in fee.
CRC operates several fields in the San Joaquin Basin, including Elk Hills, as well as the Buena Vista and Coles Levee fields, which have primary and waterflood production. CRC has also been successfully developing steamfloods in our Kern Front operations. We believe our extensive 3D seismic library, which covers nearly 1,250 square miles in the San Joaquin Basin – over half our gross mineral acreage in the basin – gives us a competitive advantage in field development.
On July 1, 2024, CRC completed a merger with Aera Energy, LLC. As a subsidiary of CRC, Aera operates five fields in this basin including the Midway-Sunset and Belridge fields. As of year-end 2023, Aera held approximately 180,000 net mineral acres in the San Joaquin Basin, approximately 84 percent of which is held in fee.
Commercial petroleum development began in the San Joaquin Basin in the late 1800s when asphalt deposits were mined and shallow wells were hand dug and drilled in the Coalinga, McKittrick and Kern River areas. Rapid
discovery of many of the largest oil accumulations followed during the next several decades, including the Elk Hills Field. Most discovered oil accumulations occur in Eocene-age through
Pleistocene-age sedimentary sections. Source rocks are organic-rich shales from the Monterey, Kreyenhagen and Tumey formations.
Thermal enhanced oil recovery was pioneered in the San Joaquin Basin in the 1960s, and CRC operates a prolific steamflood in the Kern Front Field. In addition to significant oil production, CRC recycles the produced
water from Kern Front for reuse in steam generation and reclaims surplus produced water for beneficial use by agricultural water districts, making our company a net water supplier.
In 2023, CRC supplied approximately 4.75 billion gallons of treated, reclaimed water for agricultural water districts – nearly double the amount we supplied in 2015. This water helps sustain thousands of acres of productive
farmland and associated farmworker jobs.